Monday 12 April 2010

The Next Top Spiritual Author blog

Hi, back again, just took myself off the blog for three days. So much networking to do to keep the votes coming in.

Three weeks to go before the votes are counted and 250 people with the most votes go through to the next round. The second round is completely different and from what I understand will be on merit of the new pitch for the book that we have to present to the publishers and a team of experts! I feel for me that will be a lot easier than becoming an expert at networking around the web. But this has been an excellent chance to get the word out there about my existence! I have new people finding me now for readings and coaching. I have also started networking through the truth and freedom movements more and have found some great sites. These are really good for my book which basically tells it like it really is with no covering up of what part the governments and religion are playing in the control end game.

I feel a lot of spiritual people are still in the illusion and do not see through the game that is being played on the planet we are living on. In order to be truly powerful and spiritually aware then one must know the truth of the reality around you. It is not a time to dwell in pink candy floss words of mediocre spirituality. Love and light are acutely awake paths when they are truly understood and not just words that spout from ones mouth. They are both powerful parts of our scientific structure and prescence on this planet at this time but are mostly spoken of as airy fairy unreal, unidentyfiable notions. My book does not speak of them in this way, the energy of the book is a wake up call for our own energetic systems as we read it.

More and more people are emailing me for their copies so even as we speak the energy of the book is being the cataylist it was meant to be.

Dont forget to get your copy after you vote here or if you prefer email me first for the book, read it and then vote. I feel you will know after the first few pages that it is indeed a book that should be read widely around the globe to help facilitate the changes we need to take back our sovereignty and our freedom.

And my future self says today that freedom is the name of the game, even in this game of obtaining votes for the book. Be free at all times with information and contact - no withholds and freedom will serve the day! Today I have been networking furiously all of the information I have on The Guardians of the Free Republic taking back America from the false corporation of the United States that it is. I am routing for them being successful without too much fuss and trusting that any of those americans that are awake will back them totally.

My future self says that we are free, we just have to realise it. It is not a thing that can be bestowed on you by anyone else. You are either free in yourself or not free. So when we realise we are free we must act accordingly with no withholds in anyway. They will not even come to mind, because they are not in our reality anymore. I have a very good feeling about this, at this moment I am free and am enjoying this journey into more and more free action and complete freedom of speech.

If you are editing or withholding then stop and ask yourself why. It can be very revealing, what are the fears that stop you in your tracks or button the truth from falling of its own accord from your lips? We are at that crossroads of being who we truly are or refusing to own our heritage. What will you choose and how long before you even see the choice that is before you.

Love, light and many more conversations before this mission is over ......

Thursday 8 April 2010

MESSAGE FOR 2012 AND BEYOND from the Higher Beings


Is it scary to have contact with our future self or maybe selves? At present I have only asked to have contact with my spiritual self who won The Next Top Spiritual Author competition.

She is readily available I have to get more into contacting her more times each day. I have a little over three weeks to get in the votes to enable the book I channelled from the Higher Beings I have had contact with since 1991 to be published. "EVENT HORIZON subtitle One and All" is our guidance to take back our spiritual mantles and become the extraordinary beings that we are destined to be. At present our planet is in the hands of 12 elite families who control everything from the price of oil, whether the markets will crash or thrive, our health, our contact with off planet beings and every war that has been waged over the last hundred years or more. This is not a joke but the truth. The higher beings that watch over our planet are giving many people such as myself the information to feed out to the world in order to wake up our consciousness, activate our blueprints and begin to take back our power. If you havent already seen my short video at then check it out. Press the youtube link on this video and it will take you to three more videos where I read parts of the book.

My future self has many aspects which she wishes me to actualise whilst on this journey. This morning I was prompted to answer some of the emails I had received at one of my accounts and make more conact with these people. As soon as I went onto the site I saw the potential in the mail I had received - shes good! but then she knows doesnt she! What is the next step I need to do urgently in order to fullfil this mission. Her answer is to pay more attention to the small details of each contact I make - I need more clarity on that. Her answer is that it is in the detail not so much the large amounts of contact but the quality of the connections I make each time I go forward. That makes sense. I need to stay very focused on each contact I make in order for the information to be clear and precise ........and meaningful. I know myself when I receive emails ......and being a networker of wake up information around the planet, I receive an awful lot .....there has to be something in it that makes me read all of it and really take in what is being said otherwise I glean over it and delete many straight away. It is the energy of the email that I either resonate with and am interested in that makes it a must read, will read later or delete now.

Ok so more precise, focused consciousness in each contact I initiate rather than the quantity. It is obviously quantity of votes that will get me through this first round but quantity can come from one profound connection - the right connection.

The energy of what she is pointing me towards here is very similar to being in the right place at the right time because you were really tuned in and every point in the day you can then meet your destiny and anything else that comes with that. If you are not in the right place within yourself then you can be on the wrong side of the street wiping dogs poo off your shoes when your destiny connection is the other side of the street striding along and not aware of you. This is where two realities can be going on - in the right place at the right time - in the wrong place at the wrong time.

What I feel know from the conversation with her is that I need to tune everything up an octave or maybe two. Keep the pitch of consciousness super high for the next three weeks and meet every opportunity in the right way, at the right time in the right frequency. SAS who dares wins comes to mind. I have to say I am no stranger to daring to, in fact it fires me up, hence the way I am carrying out my entry into this competition. Dare to know you've won and play it backwards!

Love, light and sincerity
speak more tomorrow night

Wednesday 7 April 2010

The Next Top Spiritual Author

I just love typing that title to the blog!!!!! Has a great feeling and is my mission.

What does my future self say today. I must tell you what happened this morning, she came thru to me when I was questioning something that was happening and then gave me confirmation with a spiritual tone of fragrance. I am very used to receiving guidance intuitively and obviously when I channel in, this goes on in the theta brain wave cycle but when you get a fragrance tone it is different. This is another sense for us when we smell in the normal world but it is one of the incredible psychic or other wordly senses too. Today as soon as I got the message the smell came through which was an amazing deeply toned many layered fragrance, subtle but distinctive. It was for confirmation that I had contact with her.

I have been given signs through the higher subtle levels of smell before only a couple of times but they are always exquisite experiences. Both were many years ago, the first when I was visiting an author who was in her later years and confined to bed with a serious illness and I had gone to give her healing. Whilst doing the healing the whole room seem to fill up with the smell of peppermints and when I asked her where it was coming from she said "Oh you can smell it too, it is my late husband coming to visit, he always had peppermints in his pocket to give to his horse". Her husband has passed over some years before. The next time that this happened was when I was sitting in a room of meditators who were waiting for the visiting master to enter the room. We had sat for some time not particularly meditating at the time but we were all very still and the atmosphere was also still because we were active meditators. My mind starting to question what this man was going to be like, I had heard much about this particular "Master" but had no experience of him. He was still not in the room but at this moment when the question went thru my mind this incredible fragrance came in the room, it was so strong and multi layered that I looked all around the room thinking there must be a huge bowl of flowers somewhere. But no flowers, a few minutes later this man walked in the room bringing with him an incredibly high frequency vibration of peace and calm and I knew that upstairs were telling me who he was in the fragrance.

Today when I was again given the fragrance I realised that my future self has a particular perfume!

Another great smelling day tomorrow awaits, bye for now


Tuesday 6 April 2010


YOUR CHANCE TO WIN 6 ONE HOUR COACHING SESSIONS with me. Over 30 years I have worked with thousands of people on a 1to1 basis and as a fascilitator of workshops and want to offer the opportunity for one person to find their own extraordinary self FREE of charge.

In order to set this up I will need to collect email addresses in order to collate the people entering this competition and then randomly pick the winner. This competition for The Next Top Spiritual Author gives me this opportunity, just vote here and then send me your email address to my email address here

So how has my future self been helping me today??? This may sound crazy to you but for the past few days after my first inspiration to contact her this now feels quite normal to me, in fact very normal, I dont think I will every lose contact with her again. But there again I reckon there are going to many versions of her. For this competition I have tuned into, tapped into my future self who won the next top spiritual author competition. For other things that I want to know I reckon theres going to be different versions of me, what do you think?

Her guidance to me today is for me to keep very quiet in myself, keep very tuned in, keep reaching out to the inspiration that is being fed into me for this mission. She says it is not so much finding out what to do but keying into what I already know. Today I havent been trying at anything, not trying to figure out what else to do even. I have just quietly finished messaging most of my social networking site contacts. Another great thing about this technique of future self contact is that it comes very easily because you have such a huge connection with her energy!!! Obvious really! She is definately right about staying quiet within myself because I feel very secure with my mission and that everything is going to plan and there is no frantic feeling about any of this. I have also been networking some of the incredible information that it is around now about the reclaiming america campaign by the Guardians of the Free Republic, google this info and see the incredible revolution that is happening now in america by the grassroots people. I have messaged around a bit to friends who are involved with the Freemans groups in UK to see how we can help them and also how can we bring about this revolution here in the UK, anybody out there in the know, let me know and I will get the info networked.

Relaxing down into myself has given me lots of new things to do today, I purchased the Healing Codes, have been meaning to do this for a while. Personally I feel very well and balanced right now but there are so many people who could do with this help from the codes so will be learning by using them on myself to free up anything standing in my way of being totally my extraordinary self and then helping others to use them.
Bye for now, another extraordinary day tomorrow
Namaste Linda

Monday 5 April 2010

NEXT TOP SPIRITUAL AUTHOR competition - my journey

Well my future self is turning out to be a great contact! She told me yesterday that I had to put myself about on radio, tv, discussions etc for getting the votes for the book. I took that on board and was planning to contact local radio here in UK when hols were over but............ Had email today from "Myth or Magic" radio show asking if I would like to be interviewed!!! I of course agreed, had a look at past interviews and saw people like bashir, David Wilcox and Linda Howe so with good company. Still dont know how he got to me but have been mailing to groups I belong to, facebook and Myspace. But she knows doesnt she.

What is she saying today, believe in yourself, you are me and I am you. We are integrated. We are one. When I asked how this was going to help me, she said, If we are all one then everyone knows you anyway, you just have to tug on the cords!!!!! Great simple piece of information. Im going to start tugging, gently mind, on a lot more connections. Its simple isnt it, we are all connected, just key into those connections and make yourself known. Wow this is a whole new way of getting what you want.

And I know what the feeling of this is, because of the way I am carrying out this journey, trusting my future self, there is a real acceptance and real trust with no effort which is really just a flow of being in the cosmic soup - not standing separate from it, so everything feels real easy. Its like no contacts are switched off they are all switched on because of how your own circuitry is wide open and all lights flashing. Dont know whether Im explaining this but I know what it feels like - no effort, no withhold, just holy order. Wow and this is the name of the last chapter of the channelled book I am working for. This is getting more and more bizaare since Im just writing this off the top of my head or maybe I should say from the cosmic soup. Holy order is when you are operating from grace with no withholds.

This book needs to be read by many more people, if you havent voted yet, vote here .

I have to say this new technique I have invented here, of contacting my future self, is something I will be teaching others, it truly works and can be used every day. Recently I had read a lot about some of the aliens visiting our planet and in cahoots with our block ops governments are way ahead thousands of years from our future coming back to change things. These ideas translated for me into using a shorter time ahead to my future self.

Back tomorrow for more revelations, namaste Linda

Sunday 4 April 2010


Today's been a bit surreal but then thats not unusual these days! Man turned up early this morning to pick up filing cabinet that I sold him on ebay. This is a story in itself - I have been feeling more and more over the last few months that I have to clear out, get rid of more "stuff" and I was doing it but obviously not fast enough for upstairs.

Two sundays ago, I had gone downstairs to sort out the recycling - I live in a loft space of an old maltings building so I live upstairs and have sleeping quarters, utitlity room, bathroom etc downstairs, and then back upstairs to the computer. Remember 2 weeks ago was when we were supposed to be filming our videos for the Next Top Author competition! Ten minutes later I decided to go back downstairs to shower, reached the bottom of the open plan stairs and everything was floating in water!!! Water softener machine had exploded - no noise!!! At least this is what the plumber said later. The whole metal part of it had shirred off and water was pumping in from the mains. When "upstairs" wants you to do something and you are asking for guidance then it will keep giving you more acute signs. Within the next few hours my downstairs life was outside on the paving stones and - what an opportunity to sort and chuck out!!!

Needless to say my upstairs life with my office, kitchen and daily living and lounging quarters were in tact so I could get on with most things except loading the video onto the internet - water had got into the wires and everytime I tried to load it, which incidentally took 5 hours on my computer, it couldnt hold the connection long enough. "Upstairs" knew what they were doing here also not only was my life cleaned out with the precious element of water but this video needed not to be loaded too early and obviously my life needed a cleanse through first to let all this new energy in!

Another incidental thing was the week and a bit that the salt water softener machine was off and the new one hadnt arrived my energy went through the room and more, right in time for the inspiration for the video and the contest. I havent got my head around this salt and the water in the house thing yet but certainly salt is what you use not only for protection but in food situation where your energy has soared too high or you are too airy fairy and disconnected from yourself eating healthy salt products grounds the energy. During the time the softener was switched off I had to use grounding techniques because of my energy taking off and soaring very high. So Im thinking here maybe its ok for the salt in the house water and maybe it is not?

Me and my future self are getting truly connected, I see her as an outline in my minds eye as soon as I bring her to mind, shes clear cut in her energy and her responses to me, keeps beckoning me to allow her in more, I seem to be controlling the contact at the moment but hey this is all new stuff to me as well!!
Her contact today is telling me to be aware of all the means I have to get the message of the competition out to the public - I have just emailed Oprah with details of the book, the competition and my unique blog involving my future self! I dont reckon she's ever done a programme on the latter one.

Be aware of all the ways to get the message of the competition out to the public and my book EVENT HORIZON in particular. One of the things she did, my future self that is, was to go out and make herself known around the local area, local radio, tv and even ran special evenings where people could learn about future events on the horizon in 2012 and beyond and how the world is really run. Soooooo Id better get started, will begin contacting the local newspapers, radio and tv when the holiday break is over. This is not something that is completely new to me since I forged a huge personal campaign on my own when I was being evicted from my wonderful organic business venture at Billingford Windmill. But when I entered the competition I was responding on a feeling of "this feels right" and had not thought through any of the work in front of me.

Not a problem, If I stay in the now moment then I can do anything I want to do easily - in the perfect time and space............night night from my purged and water cleansed home. Namaste Linda

Saturday 3 April 2010

MY UNIQUE JOURNEY TO Next Top Spiritual Author

Third day, going well, but for forgetting to write url to vote for book here on blog last night lol. Here it is for all you people who are going to find your way here . This first round is crucial so please vote right away and if you would like a free e-book copy of this inspired works from Higher Beings then email me at with Event Horizon in the subject line.

One important thing I've learnt already is that if you havent prepared and organised all your contacts along the way into an internet available list then it takes a lota lota time doing it when you are on your mission!!! I remember Robert Evans emphasising this when I was on one of this teleseminars of the Messenger project and I kinda half heartedly grouped some of the contacts onto my computer but definately could have done better. Still solving that now and all will be well for any other marketing internet style that is needed.

My blogging at all on this journey came about thru my future self who has won the competition! I'm asking her again today for help and so far have been told to get my pictures ready for campaign at end of competition - have no idea what this means but am owed a favour by a photographer friend of mine so will carry out her instructions. No where in the literature and instructions for competition has this been mentioned, but there again shes been there, into the future, I mean!. This future thing is now feeling quite normal if normal is the word! In fact I feel happier having contact with her. What else is she saying, lets see, shes very unhappy about my not spending enough time on asking her what to do, ok I'll remedy that by asking her each morning. Will start tomorrow, maybe shes going to send the agenda for me everyday.

Today has been very positive, lots of readers on my 35 articles on hub pages including the one showing video and explaining about competition. Lots of information on my hubs channelled from the Higher beings in question and answer sessions which have proved to be inspirational check them out here, one really interesting one I called "Water has a memory Part 2" which is incredibly powerful stuff. Find it from my profile at . When ever I ask them questions they always take us much further than you expect and expand our consciousness and minds beyond anything we could ever believe possible and they have certainly done this with this particular hub on water. It is being read daily by readers coming through Google search on water, must be from those who already know that water has a memory.

I'm going to open the manuscript entered in the competition again tonight, intuitively and ask for a one liner that will help us along the way on our journeys back to who we really are -- here goes.

"In order to assure the strength of the heart centre then it is imperative to be devoid of any emotional displays". wow thats some statement and from my own book, but not one I wrote but one that was channelled thru me by the Higher beings. Tomorrow night I will give you the rest of the paragraph.

Bye for now